The UK is facing a health emergency that cannot be ignored; widening health inequalities, the cost of living crisis, and a decrease in life expectancy are affecting the most vulnerable groups in our society.
The action-focused summit ‘Inequalities and Health’ aims to drive change in the North West region. The event will bring together academics, policy-makers, health professionals, businesses, third-sector organisations, communities, activists, and citizens, or anyone interested in decreasing inequalities in our region. It will feature some of the most powerful voices on the matter, such as Prof Matthew Ashton (Director of Public Health for Liverpool City Region) and Katie Schmuecker (Principal Policy Adviser, Joseph Rowntree Foundation).
The day will comprise a combination of knowledge exchange sessions, workshops and expert-led presentations. The event will provide an opportunity for learning and planning ways to tackle these issues, on a local and national level. We welcome anyone interested in the themes below and promise controversial ideas and debates.
We are interested in inequalities in the broadest sense, and the conference themes include, but are not limited to:
Poverty and Inequality
Equality and Diversity
Children and Young People
Healthcare Delivery
Physical Activity
Mental Health
Environment and Sustainability
The summit is hosted on the beautiful Creative Campus at Liverpool Hope University from 8:30 to 17:15 on Tuesday 29th October, 2024.
Liverpool Hope University - Creative Campus, Shaw St, Liverpool L6 1HP
For more information and register please visit:
Everyone interested in Inequalities and Health is welcome!